Monday, September 30, 2019

Airline Regulation

Airline regulation has been a subject of debate for a long time now. This has been due to various views that have been expressed by various stake holders who hold that there are pros can cons of government regulation of the airline industry.This paper will try to look at various issues that surround the regulation of the airline industry by the government.            1.Is the regulation from the government necessary again?The regulation from the government is necessary at the airline industry. The reason as to why the government should regulate the airlines is because of lack of uniformity and decrease in quality of services. If the government could regulate the industry, this be avoided since there will be a fair playing ground in the industry. This would also encourage various airlines to concentrate on safety matters and equip the aircrafts with required systems by the law.According to Aarons (1996) the USAF B737-200 clashed killing all 34 on board and the sources say that the aircraft was not equipped with all systems required by the civil regulation, (FDR, CVR, TCAS 11or WDS AND GPS). If this aircraft was equipped with the above systems, the accident could not have occurred.         2. How far should the government go in tightening or loosening its control over the industry?The government should control only the fare and airport charges nationwide. This would help in unifying the great competition affecting smaller airlines from larger airlines. Some areas have few passengers than other areas and if an airline monopolize in those routes they may run at a loss.The government should standardize the charges depending on the weight of the aircraft and which airfield the airline is flying or operating from. The government should not be interfering with the airlines marketing strategy.   (Economic Council of Canada, 1999)         3.How have the events of the September 11 attack affected your decision on airline Regulation?After the September 11 attack, airlines were affected as many people feared to fly and the effects were felt in other areas as the incoming flights reduced drastically in fear of more attacks.  Through the government regulation, people were assured of safety as the government established a board to investigate the matters regarding the attack. No airline would claim to be safe than the other because they should all follow set rules. After the attack, only the strong/bigger airlines were able to ferry passengers in the country because they were able to make more flights in given period for they could afford to reserve some seats for security personnel, this favored them affecting smaller airlines.In one incidence, a passenger was found with a pistol on a flight to, the airline’s public relations manager said would take the matter to ensure that the security at the airport was tightened. (Air transport news, World Air news magazine february1994)        4.How do war and a weak economy change your perception of government regulation?When war engulf a country, there is a possibility of disruption of flight schedules which makes some areas becomes partially or completely inaccessible. If there is no government intervention, the airlines suffers losses.   But if the government regulates the economy may stabilize which comes as relief to the a ffected airlines.When the growth of the economy slows down and the strength of the currency weakens, cost goes up including fuel, the airlines fare goes up as a result. There is need for government regulation in this case in order to slow lower the cost of fuel operation.ConclusionPartial regulation by the government is important to put some kind of control in the industry. This would be in line with protecting the interests of the passengers and the interest of the airlines.ReferenceAaron, A. (1996). CFTI in Dubrovnik. Business & Commercial Aviation international, August 1996.Economic Council of Canada, (1999). Responsible Regulation. An interim Report, August 1999.World air news, (2004). Air transport news. February 2004.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

High School Attendance Essay

High school represents a stage where majority of students grow up and attain an advanced degree of self-comprehension. This period is therefore very vital both to immediate school life and the life beyond school. Mandatory school turn out could well reflect the importance placed on schooling as well as the appreciation of the role education plays in preparing children and youth to become productive adults. Students who consistently attend school are exposed to more learning than their counterparts who exhibit infrequent school turn out. Chances for students excelling academically are directly proportional to the number of instances students are present in school. On the contrary, scholars who skip school are more likely to be involved in grave social harms and enter into troubles. Truancy, or Skipping School, is the term given to unjustifiable school absenteeism with no knowledge of guardians or parents. Recurring illnesses and family problems usually result in absenteeism. However, such absenteeism is not of crucial concern to school administrators. Rather, unjustifiable absenteeism is the bone of contention plaguing schools both in America and elsewhere. Chronic absenteeism predisposes student offenders to both academic and social problems. Every state requires all school-age juveniles to be present at school. Research has persistently established that a student’s academic accomplishment is more closely linked to school punctuality and attendance than any other factor that is controllable by the student and their families. Recurrent student absentees depict poor performance and are prone to penalization through exam scores. It is necessary that students are present in classrooms to profit by listening to teachers and interacting and exchanging ideas with fellow students and teachers. Extreme nonattendance influences the classroom culture by occasioning unsatisfactory or incomplete work, undermining of academic progress, reduced course scores and limited ability to satisfy curricular principles. Thus students who desire to excel academically ought to consistently attend classes; instructors ought to also courage school attendance. Constant absenteeism and truancy usually are prerequisites to premature exit from school and negatively affect students, the grown ups they eventually become and surrounding society. The National Center for School Engagement in 2007 stated that truants exhibit lower scores, get barred out of school, leave school or they have lower high school graduation rates than counterparts exhibiting lower instances of unjustifiable absenteeism. It was also established that particular schools expel student low-achievers and truants with a view to push up mean academic performance as reflected by grade promotion, grades and graduation frequencies. Chronic truancy student offenders exhibit some mannerisms that interrupt classes thus making teachers’ instruction work difficult and hampering students’ learning experiences. Administrators are thus obligated to spend more time attending to disciplinary concerns at the expense of normal school activities. Findings of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) 2001 research link truancy to additional problems like drug and substance misuse, mob activity, vandalism, delinquency, weighty criminal activity( burglary and automobile theft) and quitting school. Other researchers have determined that truancy per se can result in, (or strengthen present) risk activities, provided that out-of-school students are not supervised and are alienated from positive peers’ and adults’ influence. Male criminal tendencies’ studies have linked truancy with later-year violent offences. In addition, grown ups who exhibited truancy in juvenile years have increases likelihood of having poor social dexterity, hold low paying occupations, are extra probable to depend on Welfare Support and are increasingly likely to be imprisoned. Gangs of young individuals roaming the streets at school times appear menacing. Increased truancy in Tacoma Washington was linked to juvenile-committed crimes like vandalism and burglary. School districts having elevated truancy instances exhibit rock bottom educational performance rates. Such connection usually is established by way of truancy regulations which consider automatic course failure where scholars are often absent. Thus scholars who inconsistently attend school are less likely to clear from high school. The National Center for Education Statistics estimates that from 1992 to 2002, 3 million juveniles (16-21 years) have not completed or have not been admitted to high school. Such figures represent close to eleven percent of United States juveniles. In the group, disproportionate minority scholars’ numbers exist. For instance, thirty percent Hispanics don’t successfully go through school. The figures go up to forty four percent if overseas-born students are included. High school failure affects individual students as well as the society. Affected scholars are unable to join college, are more prone to getting low-salaried occupations and experience political indifference. In return, such individuals represent losses in levy income, may have health complications, and are a burden on communal services. The US Department of Labor estimates that 6. 7% of adult persons without high school qualifications are probable to be without a job. On the other hand, as concerns those having an undergraduate degree, a mere 1. 8 percent have unemployment probabilities. Truancy affects not only the youth offenders but also the grown ups they ultimately become. Grown ups who exhibited youth chronic truancy at school are faced with higher risks of experiencing many problems such as poor mental and physical health, welfare and poverty, incarceration and bringing up children who also depict problem mannerisms. A 1996 to 1997 research indicates that school administrators regarded absenteeism, tardiness, physical disagreements, and skipping classes as the leading three grave discipline matters in schools. Past studies have revealed that school attendance rates start dwindling at middle school. a mere 55. 1 percent of Latino learners, 87. 5 percent of Korean American scholars, 42. 6 percent of African American learners, 90 percent of Japanese American scholars , 94. 1 percent of Chinese American scholars and 52. 1 percent of Native American learners are present in 91 to 100 percent of their entire classes. A 1995 study in Los Angeles Unified School District concluded that five percent of scholars unjustifiably absent themselves from school per day. A similar Denver survey established that twenty percent of students in community schools satisfied the requirements to be regarded as truant in 2006. By high school, numbers progressively drop thus upholding inter-group gaps. A mere 37. 8 percent of Filipino scholars, 21. 5 percent of native American scholars, 24 percent of Latino scholars, 59. 8 percent of Korean American scholars, 68. 43 percent of Chinese American scholars and 18. 6 percent of African American scholars attend ninety one to one hundred percent of classes. A Minneapolis study established that learners who attended 95% of class time had double chances of excelling in State language-arts examinations as compared to counterparts who attended for 85% class time. After review of attendance guidelines, it was established that Minnesota students having one percent attendance increase had I% State mathematics and reading examinations increases. It was also determined that mathematics grades are principally sensitive and responsive to attendance variations. In Rochester and Buffalo, research concluded that learners having between eighty five and one hundred percent State English Examinations’ scores had been present in school for a mean of ninety three percent of stipulated time. Students scoring below fifty four percent had attended for eighty five percent of school time. San Franciscan reports illustrate conspicuous disparities between achievement and attendance which recently prompted the city’s school monitor to instruct local authorities to maintain consistent school attendance rates. A Connecticut Naugatuck High School study revealed that ninety percent of frequent student absentees failed in not less than one course in First Quarter scores. Timely school attendance is crucial in maintaining the knowledge environment as well as satisfying personal learning requirements. Students increase the probabilities of achieving sustainability in learning and nurturing of desirable habits cherished by potential post-school employers by observing punctuality and consistent school turnout. Poor school turnout can result in poor examination results, pre-mature school exit and poor life opportunities for students. Research findings have established that students, who consistently attend school thus obtaining higher scores, enjoy school-life more and are happier after exiting school. Proper school attendance also results in better employment prospects and consequently reduced welfare reliance. By consistently attending classes, students area able to obtain the knowledge, attitudes plus skills which are essential for efficient school and later-life learning. Poor turn out is linked to learner alienation plus disengagement, factors which could result in school drop out. The consequences arising from school non-attendance are grave for students. Research has established that students who develop the habits of being punctual and ever-present at school have the inherent conviction that school life will aid them attain future objectives. Such students also gain skills in budgeting their time so as to maintain punctuality, since they know in their subconscious, that their presence in class maximizes learning experiences. Such students grow to become a mutual society of learners who attain educational excellence and develop essential skills necessary to transform them into imaginative thinkers, enduring learners and accountable community associates in a dynamic diverse world. When large numbers of students are consistently absent, co-operative efforts between teacher and students to develop skill are thwarted. Other than failing academically, frequent student class absentees have higher probabilities of finding themselves on the wrong side of the law and occasion community problems. An Arizona Rodel Community Scholars 2008 research involving tracking scholars from nursery school to high school established that exit patterns and poor attendance are related. Obvious behavioral disparities, between students who pursue education up to graduation and drop outs, were detected. Drop outs had absented themselves by a mean of one hundred and twenty four days by the time they were in grade eight. Truancy negatively affects school and communities economically in the long run. State assistance is usually disbursed to districts and schools on the basis of mean daily turn out. This is especially true for schools that depend on financial assistance on the basis of Full Time Equivalent principles. Monetary losses owing to high absenteeism rates are extreme. For instance, absenteeism results in $19 loss for each student for every day in Unified School District of Oakland. The figures translate to $4 million each year. Truancy therefore has the potential to influence the outcome of a school. Numerous States’ school expenditure projections are developed based on mean daily turn outs per school. Such expenditure projections are harmed owing to student absenteeism. Incase numerous students consistently absent themselves; schools are left with little money to cater for necessary classroom requirements. Utilization of turnout as a pointer to the effectiveness of a school influences the disbursement of national wealth to districts and schools. Since truancy is usually a prerequisite for quitting school, public coffers are ultimately affected by the vice. Research has determined that a person who drops out of high school expends a life-span mean of $200,000 of public finances more than similar expenditure for conventional high school students. Such additional public expenditure results from lost levy income, criminal integrity, medical care and expenditures on community services and imprisonment. In most schools, students are accountable for make-up activities related to excusable absenteeism. An appropriate time, prior to or following conventional school time, is sought to by students handle the work assisted by teachers. Incase students are unavailable during this time, they have to set other occasions to pick assignments and submit the same to teachers. This is quite inconveniencing for students and could lead to low productivity and thus lower grades. Schools exhibiting high truancy rates experience reduced student learning and also reduced instructional instances. When absent, students miss learning experiences and teachers have to attempt top offer remediation upon resurfacing of the students. This results in extra reduction of instructional occasions by fellow students. Absenteeism consequences pour out of the school into the community. Low educational achievement coupled with progressive reduction of tuition time among chronic student absentees is a sure recipe for imminent school quitting. Drop outs adopt delinquent and criminal lifestyles affecting society tremendously. A 1999 Lee and Lotz research has revealed that delinquency is more among poor performing students with erratic attendances who then quit school. Another 1993 study states that truancy precipitates delinquency and grown up crime later as is depicted in Georgia where 82% of prisoners are drop outs from high school. Some schools require that students be present at school for a minimum of ninety percent of school sessions each term. School management boards could reject progression to subsequent grades to students who violate these stipulations. some existing regulations state that class absenteeism, with the exception of conventional instances, is factored in determining percent attendance as well as promotion eligibility. Some tougher penalties have been determined elsewhere. For instance, Connecticut’s authorities have enacted regulation that calls for imposition of fines amounting to $25 per day, to the offending student, the parents or both, for chronic truancy.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hersey and Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory Essay

Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard inscribe fine piece of scholarly research papers and world class books. They formulated a model by the name of situational leadership theory and presented solutions for tremendous leadership styles while attaining the goals of the organization. Hersey and Blanchard, situational leadership theory: According to Hersey and Blanchard situational leadership model, an individual having leadership traits tend to adjust in accordance with the environment. Adjustments are made on the basis of follower maturity level i.e. the readiness to perform in a particular situation. Readiness specifically concerns with the ability and confidence level of the follower. Leaders identify whether they need to emphasize on task behaviors or responsibility behaviors in order to deal with the followers maturity level of employees, subordinates or team members. Robin and Coulter (2007) presented four diverse and effective leadership styles:  · Delegating: Employees are allowed to make decisions related to specific task hence both relationship style and task behavior are low.  · Participating: Employees participate in important decisions and share ideas a well hence task behavior is low and relationship style is high.  · Selling: Leaders sell to employee in a way that they have to briefly explain the task direction and they must support and persuade the employees at every step. Here leaders delineate the roles and duties of followers and seek out ideas from them. It is little bit a two way communication process.  · Telling: Sometimes leaders must explain employee’s specific tasks to do and supervises each and every work very closely. Most of the emphasis is given to task behavior and relationship style is low. Leader clearly defines the duties and roles of followers and major decisions are made by leader itself and it is purely a one-way communication. As the follower reaches the higher level of readiness, leadership control continuously decreases in terms of task behavior and relationship style. It further elaborates that the leaders must compensate for certain limitations like abilities and motivation of its followers. The leadership style focuses on the readiness level and development level. Four developmental levels are as follows: – Employees are less competent but highly committed – Several employees have low competency level and are not committed as well – Many times subordinates are moderately competent and variably committed as well – Numerous times employees seem highly competent and committed as well Those leaders who adopt situational leadership style must have the ability to implement alternative styles as required in a particular environment. It requires understanding the maturity level of the employees in terms of readiness and implementing appropriate leadership style. An important research explained that when follower’s maturity level is high, leaders must use delegating style hence leader intervention is very low and employees having strong confidence, willingness and abilities are empowered to make chief decisions and perform specific tasks. However if the maturity level of subordinates or employees is low then telling must be used as an effective technique and leaders must emphasize on task behavior. At this juncture the readiness level is low where instructions are given and the entire system is highly structured because followers lack capabilities or they might show unwillingness or insecure while performing a particular task. When the readiness level is low to moderate i.e. employees have the capabilities but reflect insecurity or unwillingness them key importance is given to participative style. Leaders give emphasis to relationship building and assists followers in understanding the task, gaining confidence hence sharing innovative and creative ideas with each other. Leaders also opt for selling when the readiness level of the followers ranges from moderate to high. In such case employees reflect willingness and confidence in the task but lack capabilities. Therefore leaders persuasively explain the entire task and provide followers with clear task guidance. Hersey and Blanchard further highlighted that leaders must be flexible so that change their leadership styles overtime. According to one research if appropriate styles are used during low readiness level then slowly and gradually employees gain maturity and they improve their abilities to perform specific tasks.   The devotion towards prosperity and development of followers and responding to them in an effective manner results into less directive or instructive style as followers get mature. It is widely used in diversified management development programs. The demeanor remains with continuous learning approach where importance is given to training and development to further enhance task behavior as well as skills and confidence level (Schermerhorn 2008). Implication of Situational Leadership theory in leading teams: Reshma (n.d.) instigated that no single leadership style is applicable in a workplace situation. One must look for the style that best fits a particular situation hence it is highly dependent on the situation. One of the recent studies reveals that four components of communication play important role in situational leadership theory: – Expectations must be communicated clearly in an effective manner – Top management must listen to employees – Superior should be delegating – Higher management must provide feedback continuously to improve employees performance Three situations have been highlighted that influence the leadership style: – Level of control of leader in a particular organization and how they respond to different situations. – More importantly situations have three times greater impact on an individual performance and play important role in shaping leaders behavior. – One successful leadership style might fail in a different situation. A situation plays an important role in making out positive and negative impact on the consequences. Hence one must clearly analyze and evaluate the key requirements of a situation and implement correct leadership styles. Natural abilities also facilitate a lot therefore leaders must look into their intrinsic values. Nicholls (1993) stated that leadership requires consistent approach with conformity to key facts. Leaders must transform from parent to developer and a balance must be maintained between task and relationship behavior along with the abilities and willingness to perform in a particular environment. Lande and Conte (2009) instigated that the maturity level of subordinates depends on work related knowledge, skills and ability. Gaining experience in terms of promotion, success, skill or confidence plays an important role. The critical perspective: Kasch Associates (2009) explained that competencies and skills are not inherited from ancestors. It analyzed task behavior and reveals that there exist several task actions which must be performed and it requires understanding individual subordinate and team member closely so that proper responsibilities can be assigned to individuals. It requires controlling and supervising whether employees perform the task effectively and efficiently. It highlighted several socio economic variables and said that leaders must minimize the distance and try to cultivate collaboration and integrate and foster two way communications between leader and the follower.   It clearly defined maturity as the willingness and ability of followers to perform a particular task. It comprises of both psychological maturity as well as job maturity. Job maturity pertains to ability, knowledge and skills whereas psychological maturity assumes that the follower owns a particular task and reflects motivation to further enhance the quality of the work and augment the norms and values related to self respect and self confidence. According to Article Base (2009) it requires considering readiness level, development level and leadership styles for boosting the performance and effective leadership. Those leaders who perform in group must be flexible and must provide psychological space to individuals so that they can progress. Nevertheless the rate and degree of maturity continuum varies across subordinates therefore leaders must respond in a customize manner and it clearly highlights the importance of intuitive appeal. Strict supervision stagnant the performance therefore superiors must opt for benefit/cost ration and continuously add value to the performance of the team hence superiors must formulate appropriate structural policies and behavior in accordance with the internal customers needs and requirements. Emphatic listening is the realm and in order to build long term relationship and commitment with subordinates. Conclusion: It can be concluded that there exists both pros and cons in the model. Nonetheless dynamic management firms and institutions draw on the approach and formulate strategic solutions. It requires holistic approach. The paradigm remains with principle centered loom and proactive approach. Both the lessons and experience are gained gradually and leaders can facilitate and assist subordinates and the champion followers lead to efficient and effective performance if leadership styles are adopted in a systematic and consistent manner.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Great Depression Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Great Depression - Article Example After the 1929 stock market crash, there was scramble for liquidity which caused funds to flow back to America while Europe’s fragile economies crushed Spielvogel (416). According to Spielvogel (412), there were widespread structural failures among financial institutions which made banks more vulnerable. The worst hit banks were those tied to agriculture because most farmers defaulted when interest rates rose coupled with low crop prices. Farmers were also already in great debts and they owned over-mortgaged lands due to great increase in land prices in 1919. Other banks were failing to maintain adequate reserves and had resorted to making risky loans or investing more in stock market. However, they were not adequately prepared to absorb to absorb the shock of a great economic recession especially those that lent money to Latin America and Germany. Works cited Spielvogel Jackson. Western Civilization: Volume II: Since 1500. New York. Wadsworth Publishing Co. 2009.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Classficatio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Classficatio - Essay Example In order to classify objects and terms, we need to be able to recognize both what an object or term is and what it is not. One term that we can put through the process of classification is family. We know that families are groups of individuals, and that the individuals in the family are related though blood or marriage. Not all families are the same, obviously; some of the more common ways to classify families are through socio-economic levels, religion, and race. To further define socio-economic categories, we can say that there is an upper class, middle class, and lower class. Of course, within these classifications we can define further, such as upper middle class and lower middle class families. A more common vernacular for lower class families is to call them poor families. The most obvious reason that families are called poor is the amount of money that a given family makes. There is a great deal more to being poor than not having as much money as rich people. To further define poor families, we must talk about what poor families experience. Perhaps the best phrase to describe the situation of a poor family is to say they live "paycheck to paycheck." This means that these families are unable to cover any additional expenses that come up outside of their regular income.

Strategic Planning Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Planning - Case Study Example In the next part of the report I will be highlighting the areas on which the company needs to stress more and will also make some necessary recommendations. The first thing that GIFC needs to accomplish is that it should define its business, goods and services and also the target customers. Also defining a clear vision for the organization which clearly expresses the intentions of the company and where it wants to be in the future will also help to serve the purpose. Defining their thoughts on social responsibility, culture and ethics will further strengthen the standings of the organization. The company can think of commencing operations in the global market by using effective expansion strategies. This will not only help the company to earn more revenue, but will also allow them to cater to a number of segments around the world. However the growth is directly related with the quality of their service, level of customer service and also the location of the outlets. In order to develop core competencies for itself the company must focus on various aspects. Some of the evident factors are variety of dishes, authenticity of the ingredients, and ambience of the outlets. Furthermore the company should also develop a strong customer relationship management tool, which will ensure highest level of customer satisfaction and they could even become a word of mouth promoter for the company. One of the important suggestions for the company is that while getting into any new kind of activity, the company should perform an analysis of the macro environment. This will help them to make decisions purely based upon the external situations and can sustain with it for a longer period of time. Strategic planning is defined as the process by which the management personnel of the company decides about the objectives of the company and also defines the proper courses of action required to achieve the objectives (â€Å"Strategic Planning†). It is also referred to as a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Costing a shoe selling business Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Costing a shoe selling business - Case Study Example Profit 3,600 pounds Break Even Analysis: The break even analysis is performed on the basis of assessment of costs based upon the number of units that are expected to be sold.( Similarly, the total sales revenues are also computed on the basis of anticipated units that are expected to be sold each month. The variable costs per unit is 77.84 pounds and the number of units expected to be sold is roughly assessed as in the range of 50 to 70 pairs of shoes a month. The average unit sale price for each show is taken as $121.42. The Break even analysis table is shown below: BREAK EVEN ANALYSIS TIME PERIOD TOTAL FIXED COSTS TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS TOTAL SALES REVENUES 2 months $5,500 $8,096 $6,313.84 4 months $5,500 $6,227 $9,713.60 6 months $5,500 $6,616 $10,320.70 8 months $5,500 $9,341 $14,570.71 10 months $5,500 $8,562 $13,356.20 12 months $5,500 $10,586.24 $16,513.12 18 months $5,500 $9,496.48 $14,793.18 24 months $5,500 $10,117.90 $15,784.60 30 months $5,500 $10,584.88 $16,513.12 36 months $5,500 $11,052 $17,241.64 Hence, from the table, it may be noted that the break even point is reached after ten months from the time the business begins operating. This is the time when the profits in the amount of $13,356.20 exceed the sum of the fixed and variable costs ($5500 +$8562 = $14,062). Hence this is the point where the business has first begun to show profits in that the revenue from sales is greater than the total expenses on fixed and variable costs. At this point, 110 units of shoes have been sold in a two month period, which brings it to an average of 55 pairs of shoes sold per month. Margin of Safety: The margin of safety is used to calculate how much the level of sales can...Similarly, the total sales revenues are also computed on the basis of anticipated units that are expected to be sold each month. The variable costs per unit is 77.84 pounds and the number of units expected to be sold is roughly assessed as in the range of 50 to 70 pairs of shoes a month. The average unit sale price for each show is taken as $121.42. Hence, from the table, it may be noted that the break even point is reached after ten months from the time the business begins operating. This is the time when the profits in the amount of $13,356.20 exceed the sum of the fixed and variable costs ($5500 +$8562 = $14,062). Hence this is the point where the business has first begun to show profits in that the revenue from sales is greater than the total expenses on fixed and variable costs. At this point, 110 units of shoes have been sold in a two month period, which brings it to an average of 55 pairs of shoes sold per month. Margin of safety = Expected Sales level - Break even sales level. The break even sales level that has been established by the above table is 55 pairs of shoes per month. Therefore, if the expected sales per month is 70 pairs of shoes, the sales figures can fall even up to 55 pairs of shoes and the business will break even. However if the volume of shoes sold should fall below 55 pairs, then it is likely that the business will experience a loss. Since the s

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Discuss the interrelationship between the exchange rate regime and Essay

Discuss the interrelationship between the exchange rate regime and viability of the alternative approaches to resolving a balanc - Essay Example Since balance of payments accounts have to be balanced therefore a change in the exchange rate between the domestic and foreign currencies can actually create the balance. In order to re-balance the accounts the overall adjustment in the exchange rate regime of the country can play significant role. Thus equilibrium in balance of payments accounts could be achieved through subsequent adjustment of the exchange rates in the economy. There are however, different approaches underlying the balance of payments and it’s interlinking with the exchange rate regimes. The traditional analyses through IS-LM framework, monetarist approach as well as structural approaches are the key economic analysis frameworks underlying the issue of balance of payments. This paper will therefore attempt to discuss and explore the exchange rate regimes and the viability of the alternative approaches to resolve the balance of payments issues faced by the economies over the period of time. Balance of Payme nts and Exchange Rates Before discussing alternative approaches and their viability in resolving the balance of payment issues, it is critical to discus and set the theoretical foundations of the balance of payments and it’s interlinking with exchange rate regimes. ... The overall purpose is to keep the record of the flow of goods, services and capital moving to and from the country.( Krugman & Obstfeld, 2009) There are two parts of the balance of payments accounts i.e. current and capital account and both sum to zero at the end of period. Current account shows all the trade and factor income includes exports, imports whereas the factor income side includes both the payments and the earnings. The capital account however records the changes in the capital asset base of a country thus the changes in the assets of the country take place when domestic and foreign assets of the country change hands. It is also argued that the major changes in the balance of payments arise due to the changes in the capital account. (Beko ,2003). It is the movement in the capital that potentially explains the changes which take place in the balance of payment as well as the exchange rate of a country. Balance of payments Crisis Balance of payment however, can become a sig nificant issue as at the macroeconomic level, it tends to create important political implications. Balance of payments crisis can emerge when a country is actually unable to pay for its essential imports or cannot service its debt comfortably. This normally occurs owing to the changes in the exchange rate of a country which can register a sharp decline in value during the crisis.( Hallwood & MacDonald, 2000). Apparently such crisis emerge when countries initially experience heavy capital inflows however, after a certain point, considering the overall risk associated with the international debt, investors tend to withdraw their capital in haste thus putting pressure not only on the balance of payments accounts of a country but also on its exchange rate. Capital outflows in

Monday, September 23, 2019

Final RFP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Final RFP - Essay Example This Request For Proposals (RFP) document sets out the requirements to be met by the Enterprise Resource Planning ERP package Enterprise Architecture EA design to be selected to implement these business goals within the operations and management functions of Gadget, Inc. The overall strategic results to be met by the package and design selected as part of the responses to this RFP will include : no more lost orders, eliminating the numerous errors currently made and the accompanying inconsistencies. In terms of applicable Quality Assurance (QA) activities, there will be a series of procedural reviews carried out by the personnel partially involved in the acquisition and implementation process of the ERP packages and EA design and approval The risk management requirements to be met will include a process where the Vendor’s executives identify, analyze and rank every risk noted. Proactive risk identification measures will be put in place. In order to achieve the successful integration of the ERP application and EA design in order to meet the business process improvement requirements set out above, the following requirements will need to be satisfied by the selected Vendor. Gadget Inc., although it accepts that it is relatively small enterprise, expects that each Vendor will draw up an EA design that reflects Gadget Inc.’s business requirements as expressed by the Board of Directors. Gadget Inc. will not accept duplications of previous enterprise architectures drawn up by a given Vendor for one or more different clients. This requirement will be made clear to each Vendor at the Bid Evaluation stage. Gadget Inc. has no specific preferences regarding the ERP application presented by each Vendor bidding for the Contract. Gadget Inc. initially expects that each Vendor will present the ‘standard’ version of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tesla Motors Essay Example for Free

Tesla Motors Essay The Global Business Community The first macroenvironmental factor that Tesla Motors faces is the society and subcultures. In this day in age consumers worldwide have increased their knowledge and sensitivity about its environment. Numerous companies have catered to this need of becoming more environmentally responsible by offering products that are â€Å"green† or environmentally friendly. This new growth amongst people and organizations alike of becoming more environmentally conscious has created an opportunity for Tesla Motors with its brand of product. Tesla Motors produces and sells fully electric cars as well as electric vehicle powertrain components that give off no tailpipe emissions. Also Tesla motor vehicles cut CO2 emissions in half compared to gas burning automobiles that currently dominates the roads today. Environmental consciousness is what Tesla Motors is built on and its pursuit of diminishing dependence upon a diminishing resource for their consumers is what the company values most and depends on most for increasing revenue. The second macroenvironmetal factor that Tesla Motors runs into is the demographics. The demographics factor may pose as a major problem for Tesla’s success in the future as its product only appeals to those that are able to afford their vehicles. Although Tesla Motors offers a first-rate vehicle when it comes to performance, efficiency, and class the price for the fairly new automobile company is not economically friendly. Currently Tesla’s prices can range from the base vehicle Model S which currently costs roughly $58,000 up to its â€Å"signature edition† which is estimated at $105,000. With its above average cost of the high end fully electrical cars Tesla must integrate a more concentrated segmentation strategy in targeting the correct demographics to foster the company’s success. Tesla Motors should also take into consideration of tackling demographics in regions with higher gas prices compared to others. According to the American Automotive Association California, Hawaii, Alaska, Connecticut, and New York are among the states with the highest gas prices (Kurtzleben, 2011). In accomplishing this Tesla will be able to market to demographics that can offer a higher incentive in purchasing their fully electric vehicles. The third macroenvironmental factor Tesla faces is in regards to the economic factors. One economic factor that can possibly affect the Tesla would be the prices of petroleum dropping to a low cost for consumers and possibly staying at an affordable price. With an affordable price on gasoline, consumers would be less likely to look for alternatives to combat rising gas and oil prices that we see today, making the high-priced fully electric Tesla vehicle even more unattractive. The economic downturn can also be an ailing factor for Tesla Motors as well. The economic collapse has caused the buying capacity of consumers to dramatically decrease making individuals across the country a lot more conscious about the spending their hard earned dollar. The automobile industry as a whole has struggled overall with battling record losses in revenue and waiving workers. Being that it is a fairly new competitor within the industry Tesla will find it very difficult for selling and staying above its break-even point with its high-end luxury fully electric vehicle. The forth macroenvironmental factor Tesla faces is the natural and physical factors. The increased usage of oil and fossil fuel which is mainly being used for transportation and the decreasing of the resource globally play as an opportunity and advantage for Tesla Motors. â€Å"Petroleum currently fuels 95% of the United States transportation sector, a sector that demands nearly 28% of total usage† (Musk, 2012). With Tesla Motors’ fully electric vehicles offer consumers a substantially alternative towards saving money from not ever relying on purchasing gas at an ever increasing price due to its low supply and high demand of petroleum. Minimizing the dependence on petroleum not only reduces emissions, but also will help build a stronger energy economy (Musk, 2012). The fifth macroenvironmetal factor Tesla faces is in consideration of political and legal issues. Tesla has already been involved in several lawsuits. One that has been most notarized is the lawsuit filed against its competitor Fisker Automotive in early 2008 for stealing design ideas and confidential information such as business plans, technology, and trade secrets. Henrik Fisker was hired by Tesla to design its WhiteStar model vehicle in 2007. After gaining access to designs and confidential information which is Tesla’s competitive advantage he then used the information which enabled Fisker to develop his own high-end electric car which was called Karma. After consulting with an arbitrator Tesla lost its case 7 months after filing the suit due to the finding an interim award in Fisker Automotives favor. The sixth and final macroenvironmetal factor Tesla Motors faces is technology. Tesla holds a technological advantage over all of its competitors in comparison with to the overall performance of the vehicle. Tesla’s electric powertrain found in each vehicle allows higher driving efficiencies. With Tesla’s understanding of using energy efficiently the company has created vehicles with superior design by improving technologies of vehicle road-load which encompasses wind resistance, mechanical friction, and tire rolling resistance; energy conversion losses, as well as electric vehicle efficiency. Overall the driving efficiency is 88% compared to 20-25% for traditional gas-powered cars (Musk, 2012). Although hybrids also increase the total efficiency of internal combustion they are still less efficient than Tesla vehicles (Musk, 2012). Another technological advantage Tesla’s has is its affordability in fueling the vehicle with electricity rather than gas, making it a sound financial decision for consumers. â€Å"Tesla vehicles cost as little as $5 to charge; equivalent to $0. 02 per mile. Alternatively, a gasoline-powered car that is rated at 20 mpg cost $0. 15 per mile† (Musk, 2012). Tesla’s has a competitive advantage in regards toward its technology used within its product. However, the main concern is how long Tesla Motors will be able to hold its competitive advantage in regards toward its technology over time. The Market Heading into the microenvronmental analysis of the paper the first factor that Tesla Motor’s faces is the collaboration. Collaboration with other companies can be beneficial and viewed as a positive for both parties if performed properly. With Tesla Motors’ technological advancements for its electric cars the company has teamed up with major automobile company Toyota towards supplying the company with control systems, batteries, and motors Toyota’s new electric vehicle the RAV4 SUV (Bullis, 2012). Tesla has also recently agreed to provide similar electric car supplies for Mercedes-Benz in a similar deal (Bullis, 2012). The collaboration microenvironmental factor can be turned into an opportunity for Tesla Motors as leverage. If the company manages to not succeed as an independent automobile manufacturer, Tesla still can have the ability to produce the proper technologies needed in developing an electric car for larger manufacturers. Through collaboration Tesla can also develop itself in become an attractive company to be acquired by larger automobile companies such as Toyota and Mercedes-Benz respectfully. The second microenvironmental factor Tesla Motors faces is in regards to competition. With nearly every major automobile manufacturer gearing up plans to roll out with their very own electric car Tesla now has to compete with the likes of General Motors, Ford, and Nissan. However these companies will be indirectly competing with Tesla for market share within the niche. Companies that will be directly competing with Tesla are Mercedes and BMW in the market for high-performance luxury electric vehicles (Bullis, 2012). Competition has been expanded into a much broader scope for Tesla Motors since the company was founded back in 2003. Along with other smaller automobile manufacturers that Tesla must compete with, Tesla has to also compete with companies that provide other energy efficient alternatives such as hybrids, hydrogen powered, flex fuels, and compressed natural gas. The third microenvironmental factor Tesla Motor must account for is its suppliers. It is imperative for companies to have a positive relationship with suppliers in order for the procurement process to be run efficiently and effectively especially when there is more than one supplier needed to fulfill the completion of the overall product. Procurement is a series of steps that a company takes to obtain or acquire necessary materials (Magal Word, 2009). It is vital that Tesla stays in complete control of its product lifecycle process as the company deals with many suppliers from different countries all over the world. Besides the company’s powertrain which is built at Tesla’s at headquarters in California, car parts for design such as body panels are produced in France, as well as battery cells shipped from Japan (Musk, 2012). Tesla can use strategies such as locking in lower prices for different supplies to ensure savings overtime if prices were to be raised. The fourth and final microenvironmental factor that must be taken into consideration on behalf of Tesla Motors are the regulators. Tesla has to be aware and make proper adjustments to its business plans once government regulation occurs. In January of 2012, California, adopted the strongest new clean-air regulation in the United States. California will mandate that one out of seven cars sold in 2025 are plug-ins or full electrics (Woodyard, 2012).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Ethical Issues Of Abortion

The Ethical Issues Of Abortion Mention the term ethics to a given group of people and it will be amazing the spurred debate on the same. It is a subject spurring debate not only among the scholars but also among the non-scholars within the society. One simply question creating problems is the actual definition or understanding of the term ethics and its relationship to the human actions and relations. With the universal definition of the term ethics as the ability of choosing the right or wrong, good or bad, fair or unfair, responsible or irresponsible, obligatory or permissible with the list unending. Nonetheless, many scholars believe that ethics is a branch of philosophy attempting to establish the concept of morality within a given community. However, from this scholarly definition another important aspect arises asking the clarification of morality and immorality. This is in lieu with the differences in the cultural practices of the various individuals. Morality on the other hand according to Williams (2004) refers to the personal conviction that an action is upright and acceptable not only by the performer but to the public. It is important to do morally upright actions thereby enhancing he peaceful coexistence between the various communities. There are so many moral issues existing within the environment and cultural differences cause so much disparity and incongruent behavior within the same community. Some of those moral issues have become a global issue yielding to a hotly contested debate between for and against personality (Kaczor, 2011). One such moral issue is abortion. This paper establishes the reasons for and against abortion and finally taking a stand on the concept. Reasons against Abortion Abortion is an act of terminating a pregnancy before the natural delivery of by any available means such as operations. Stillbirth is never an abortion as there is natural birth only that the born child is delivered when dead. Many ways are used in the pregnancy termination before the natural and free delivery by the mother after the gestation period is over. Whereas some communities see abortion as an ethical and moral issue, other communities view it as unethical and immoral. In supporting the reasons against the act of abortion, it is believed that it is murder denying the unborn child the chance to live. Every individual has a fundamental right to life and no one should ever take it no matter the circumstances. Fundamental right to life is global basic human rights need to be upheld at all cost. Aborting the unborn child would mean that the basic right and freedom is infringed and these amounts to gross ethical and moral standards. The morality and ethics of the world requires that the basic rights of a person to be taken into consideration and this help in achieving the good and harmonious existence of the individuals. Violation of human rights has become a serious issue and its further violation brings with it so much effects and negative impacts on the people of the community supporting the same concept. Moreover, the life of a person is considered holy and its sanctity is vital on not only the religious aspect but also the social and communal aspects. The Bible, a religious advocates for sanctity of life of individual whether born or unborn. It also establishes that a personà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s life starts from the conception until the natural death or attrition caused by other factors such as road accident and the rest. Without those the an individual is allowed to live and enjoy life whatever the circumstance and this is the combination of the global human rights and the sanctity of life as portrayed by both religious groups and other cultural practices. Therefore, it becomes meaning les for a community to abort and justifies the action. Abortion is wrong since it denies the unborn the chance and the fundamental of human rights and contradicting the sanctity of life. Another reason as to why abortion should be shunned together with this paper is that under no circumstance does a community in the world gives another person a right of living of the others. It is believed that God created every human being and it is only Him who gives and takes away life of individuals. The person however much they may be disable, there is still the need to ensure that all the process of attaining the global human rights are attained. It is ethically and morally incorrect looking at the various responses obtained from the same subject matter. Since it is never allowed by any community to harm or kill another individual of the same community, it is equally immoral and unethical to abort a foetues that is growing into a baby. Its non-acceptance within the community is a reason to cling on in the upholding human dignity and rights of life. The United States of Americas Ministry of Health claims that the number of abortion performed in public and private health institutions perennially costs a lot of money for the offenders. Increase costs of production makes the offenders use a lot of money in aborting when in real sense they could use the amount in uplifting the lives of the mother and the baby. For those having financial crisis for the abortion process, they go an extra mine to borrow huge amount of money that they may never be able to refund (Kaczor, 2011). The result is a discordant relationship between the perpetrator and the mother of the baby to be aborted. Moreover, some go further to steal or engage in other dubious means to get the required cash. The cost associated with abortion is therefore too much thus should be avoid. Instead, the amount of money for abortion can be channeled to perform other functions. This may be translated economically to mean that the process or action of abortion undermines the economic growth. Many economists have already extrapolated that the abortion action will become a serious action with negative economic effects on the way of human live in the nations accepting and advocating for the process. In the end, abortion will have adverse effects to not only the economic status of the individual but also the economic status of the nation as a whole. It is therefore very important to take various measures to advocate for safe and free delivery of the unborn in order to reduce such economical disastrous likely to be experienced in the coming future. Proper strategies need to be in place. Ethical and moral issue behind the action of abortion has resulted into it not being legalized in many global nations. This makes the pregnant women really determined to get rid of the baby to go backstreet abortion posing so many problems to the mother Murti Crossed, 2006). The backstreet abortion endangers the lives of not only the child but the mother as well. This is true also for the legalized abortion where mothers have bled before leading to their demise. Posing of much threat on the human life especially for both the mother and the child is another reason that should discourage a person from committing the unethical and immoral act. Let the pregnant women freely and naturally deliver after all children are a gift from God. Statistics have it that many women lose their lives in the abortion process especially in cases performed by unqualified people. Abortion is a matter of life and death and it is either amazing seeing different persons fight each other verbally or physically concerning the unethical and immoral actions of an individual. Increment of the backstreet abortions is a threat to the person performing it and the nation at large who are depending on such people in the production process and thus in the improvement of the economy. The effect of this is reduced gross national product, this affects the economy in a negative way, and this is extra detrimental as it involves a high risk of life between the baby and the mother. Let the baby stay and enjoy the fundamental and basic rights of living (Pojman, and Fieser, 2009). Since healthcare practice is involved there might be health dangers exposed to the mother of the child. The most common and dangerous complications developed amongst the women who have aborted include the breast cancer. Once the child or the baby is aborted, the mother will have no one to breast feed leading to the interference of the natural cycle or process of releasing of hormones responsible for the breast and milk development. The impact may not be visible during the first few weeks or months of the motherà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s life but will surely increase the chances of the mother contracting breast cancer. Cancers of any type have no cure and therefore it would mean that the mother will eventually and faster die before the expiry of the time of such a woman. This interferes with the population structure of the economy influencing various activities within the economy (Diener, 2000). In addition, numerous complications arise due to abortion other than the breast cancer idea. Such complications as identified by medical practitioners include the pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancies, future premature births, subsequent infertility, and miscarriages, placenta praevia, among other many complications. These complications are very adverse for example, it may lead to future infertility, this may affect the individual in future causing in ability to give rise to young ones desperations, and consequently death related stress. Another example is the pelvic inflammatory that will affect greatly the pelvic of the mother and this poses so much health related challenges in the environmental as well as the life of the mother. As the healthcare practitioners propose, it will be important to prevent rather than wait and contract the complications through abortion and then looking for ways of curing them (Kaczor, 2011). Reasons for Abortion Many people and communities accept the fact that abortion is ethical and moral. In other communities, there are efforts to make them legal. On of the basis on which they make their argument is that during rape and incest then a person may seek for adoption. In such a case, the proponents for the reasons for the abortion practice assert that such a kind need to be aborted and reduce shame and trauma. However, this is not a right reasoning as the person punished here is the child yet the offender of the act is left to go free without any trial. The other reasoning for abortion according to those who are for it, is believe that abortion could possibly be a means of reducing the population (Murti, Crossed, 2006). The truth is that abortion cannot be used in the reduction of population. There are many ways of population control employed in achieving the desired family size. The proponents of the reasons for abortion also assert that it is ethical and moral as the woman is allowed to decide on the events she would like to happen within her body. For instance, if the woman wants to give birth she may do so since she has all the rights as well. They also believe that abortion is not murder as it only removes and disintegrate the various body cells incapable of living on the own outside the womb without the aid of other technological devices within the healthcare service provision. They assume that when the pregnancy is allowed to continue even with complications then it may result into more complications. Consequently, there is need for the abortion according to them. According to them, it is wrong to bring up a child of unwanted pregnancy and in order to avoid this the persons involve should abort (Pojman, and Fieser, 2009). Conclusion From the above discussion, it is clear that there is a division between those supporting the abortion concept and those against the concept. The various reasoning of both sides of the debate gives a final verdict that it is true that the debate on the side for the actions of abortion is weaker than the side of the shooting. While many scholars have attempted to change the views of abortion by calling it ethical and emotional others believe that the aspect of abortion are complex and in real sense obtained from the various aspects of the government or a given community. it is therefore true without any doubt that abortion, from the discussed issues is unethical and immoral after all they deprive someone of the right of living.